from Today Govt Jobs Pakistan Archives - Today Jobs 2022 https://ift.tt/50ivYC2
Check how to apply for Govt Jobs in KPK Today At Institute of Kidney Diseases from here. Due date is 02 October, 2022.This Job is announced in Aaj Jobs. The Education required for this job is Bachelor , MBBS , BS. Experience/higher qualification marks will be given to those candidates who have relevant experience/qualification and only post qualification relevant experience will be considered.
Govt Jobs in KPK Today At Institute of Kidney Diseases
Posted on: | 18-09-2022 |
Location: | Peshawar |
Education: | Bachelor , MBBS , BS |
Last Date: | 02-10-2022 |
Category: | Government |
Organization: | Institute of Kidney Diseases |
Address: | Institute of Kidney Diseases Khyber Pakhtunkhwa KPK, Pakistan |
Vacant Posts
- Consultant Intensivist
- Pharmacist
- Specialist Registrar Nephrology
- Specialist Registrar
- Assistant Professor
- Transplant Coordinator
- Consultant Chemical Pathology
- Trainee Registrar
- Assistant Professor Immunology
- Associate Professor
- Trainee Registrar Nephrology
- Professor
- Professor Anaesthesia
- Manager Nurse
- Welder
- An application received after the closing date and time will not be accepted and shall be automatically stand rejected.
- If closing date for the receipt of applications form falls on an official holiday, the next working day shall be considered as the closing date for hard copy of the application only.
- Interview calls will be issued to short listed candidates only. Short listing will be done either by written test or by their pre-interview marks. The result of the written test will be for screening/ short listing purpose only and shall in no way affect the pre-interview or interview marks.
- The Scrutiny Committee shall be competent to reject applications which are incomplete. However, the aggrieved candidates can appeal to the competent forum for review. The decision of the competent forum there of shall be final.
- Duly attested/photocopies of the documents will be acceptable on the condition that the candidates would bring the original documents when they are called for interview. 8. Candidature will be cancelled if any candidate found ineligible at any stage for any reason and in that case his/her application will not be processed further.
- In service candidates should apply through proper channel.
- The competent authority has the right to increase/decrease the number of vacancies or can cancel/withdraw all or some of the vacancies at any time without giving/assigning any reason.
آپ کو اپلائی کرنے کی سمجھ نہیں آ رہی تو کیمنٹ میں پتا دیں آپ کی رہنمائی کر دی جائے گئی
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from Today Govt Jobs Pakistan Archives - Today Jobs 2022 https://ift.tt/50ivYC2