Stitching step by step stay with me
In order to get the perfect baby frock, you must know how to cut and sew. There are many baby frocks that require a lot of work, but with the right tools, you can make your baby’s first frock in a few hours. This is a step by step guide on how to make a baby frock.
This article will be a step by step guide on how to make a baby frock by cutting out a pattern, stitching the pieces together and adding your own creative touches.
5 years baby frock cutting and stitching step by step.
Some times, ladies want to make a dress for their dear ones. It is very easy to make a dress for kids. It can be done with a little bit of practice. Here is a step by step guide to help you make a beautiful dress for your cute little one.
Materials needed
Materials needed:
-Sewing machine
Describe the materials step by step:-
today we're going to learn how to sew a baby girl dress with a loose-fitting, bodice button shoulders and a gathered. skirt I have my materials here cut according to the pattern I've got to skirt pieces and then they bought us front and the bodice back and lining for the bodice front and the bodice back now.
I just used the same fabric for the lining as I did for the outside you can do that or you can use a different color fabric for the lining the first step is going to be to place the bodice front pieces right sides together I'm going to sew along the armhole edge across the shoulder around the neckline across the shoulder and around the other armhole edge.
I will be doing the same thing with the back bodice pieces as well I'm placing those right sides together and then I will be sewing those four seams. now that I have sewn the armhole neckline and shoulder edges it's time to clip the corners and the curves to clip a corner you're just going to cut it diagonally across the corner as close as you can get to the stitching without actually going through the corner and to clip a curve you're going to make triangular cuts again almost to the stitching line but not through it.
and you're going to do that right in the curved part of each seam when you're finished clipping the curves your piece will look something like this you'll have the triangular parts removed from the neckline and the shoulders and the corners at the shoulders will have been cut off this allows you to turn this piece right side out and not have the extra bulk of that extra fabric from the seam allowances in those places you don't clip the curves they'll pucker around when you turn this right side out and if you don't clip the corners you won't be able to get sharp corners so after clipping corners and curves go ahead and turn your bodice front and bodice back right it's out and then you're going to press this okay.
now that I have pressed my bodice front and back right sides out it is time to place these two pieces right sides together and then I'm going to open them here at the side seams and I'm going to match that seam there and so I'm going to pin it first and then I'm going to sew right across and what that's going to do is that's going to create one lined bodice piece and all of the seams for that are going to be inside the bodice if you need to see again how I did that on the other side here we're going to open up that side seam and then open up this side seam and we will place those together make sure that the seam from the armhole is matched up as you pin and then line up those raw edges.
and pin the garment together will be one seam sewn right along there all right so I've sewn down each side seam edge of the bodice and now I'm going to remove the pins and you'll see how this works here that once I've got that removed I can flip one out over the other and I now have one all the way around fully lined bodice.
now I'm going to go ahead and press that as well and then I can set the bodice aside for now and you can tell the front edge in the back edge of the bodice because the front straps are a little bit shorter than the back straps but I'm going to set this aside for now because we're going to work on the skirt now the skirt is super easy you basically cut out two rectangles
and so all you need to do now is take your two rectangles and we're going to place them right sides together and we're going to sew up the short side seams okay I so did the side seams on the skirt and now I've taken the liberty of doing a couple other steps off-camera.
so let's go through what all I did after I sewed the side seams I went ahead and I finished them this is with a serge or an overlock stitch now that's one option to finish your seams.
I have also gone ahead and pressed the bottom edge of the skirt for the hem I've just flipped it up half an inch pressed and then flipped it up again half an inch and press I'll stitch that momentarily and then on the top here I've sewn two lines and they're probably a little hard to see because the thread is white but I have some two lines of basting stitches basting stitches are the longest stitch that your machine will do on my machine that's five millimeters when you do a basting stitches for gathering you want to do two rows about an eighth of an inch apart you want the stitching to be in the seam allowance because you don't want it to show later and you want to leave yourself long thread tails you're going to be using those to pull the top of the skirt to get it to match the bodice.
now I also did something to the bodice off camera here that I'll show you I on the inside the lining part of the bodice I went ahead and folded the bottom edge of 3/8 of an inch and I pressed that you'll see that come into use later when we attach the bodice to the skirt but for now let's go ahead and gather the skirt so what I'm going to do to gather the skirt is I am going to pull on those long threads that I left myself in the gathering or basting stitches that I sewed around the top of the skirt to get a hold of both of them from one side of my stitching line and then I'm just going to pull and you see how that starts to gather the fabric and I'm going to continue to do that until I hit the other side seam and I've made this you turn this right side out once I've made this skirt with match the width of the bodice then I'll stop pulling
now as you can see this is going to end up being a fairly full skirt and that's part of what makes it cute in my opinion so I'm just going to pull and I'm going to distribute the gathers down the line and continue to do so until this is the same width as that getting close here there we go that's pretty close and in order to finish it what I'm going to do is pick up the threads from the other end and I want to gather on the back side of the skirt as well we're going to make that the same way.
Now when I some of my basting stitches I had the wrong side of my fabric up and that is why you see me pulling with the right side of the fabric out when you are using basting stitches together like this the easiest thread to pull is going to be the bobbin thread so whichever side was your bobbin thread and that's the side you want to be pulling your stitches on okay.
now because I'm going to end up stitching in the ditch on the right side of the dress to hide um to hide the seam to finish it and to make it all pretty on the inside alright to stitch in the ditch you're just going to look at the right side of the fabric you're going to line your needle up with that seam in between the bodice and the skirt and then go slowly and hide your stitching right in between that seam line there okay now that I have stitched in the ditch I have secured the lining on the inside with that stitching.
so I've got this skirt pretty well gathered up and I just want to take a second and I want to check for my side seams and make sure that I have gathered the front and the back of the skirt the same amount if I haven't and it looks like I may have gathered the back a little more than the front well there's a side seam if I haven't gathered them evenly the dress will hang funny but so I've got them I'm going to space the gathers out a little bit so that I don't have those areas that look more gathered than others flip it all over and I'm going to check on the backside too and make sure my gathers are evenly spaced they see they're not very gathered right here.
and I want to make sure that their gathers there and maybe just not gather so tightly in other areas so that they are evenly evenly spaced once I have the gathers evenly spaced what I'm going to do is take the bodice I'm going to turn it wrong side out and I'm going to lace it on top of the skirt the skirts going through the middle I'm going to match the side seam of the bodice with the side seam of the skirt and I'm going to go ahead and pin that then I'm going to match the other side.
seam of the skirt with the side seam of the bodice and pin that now notice that I am not pinning the lining with the folded over edge that I made I'm only pinning the skirts to the bodice I'm going to go ahead and continue to pin that all the way around in a loop like this and then I'm going to be sewing all the way around here to attach the skirt to the bodice all right I've gone ahead and I have attached the bodice to the skirt you can see that It stitched all the way around here and I didn't attach the lining that's not one yet I'll show you what we're going to do with that in a second I do want to mention one thing to be careful of as you stitch the bodice to the skirt is to make sure that the skirt doesn't end up getting like bunched up and pulled in like that that can happen sometimes um and it's hard to feel under your fingers when that's going on because the fabric is already so bulky because of the gathers but as you can see those are now attached and put together so what I can do now.
is I can take these long threads from normal the basting stitches and I can literally just pull these out we don't need them anymore because that seam attaching the dress to the skirt the bodice to the skirt is going to hold those gathers in place all right so what we are going to do now actually is turn the dress wrong side out and you'll see why I pressed that fold of the lining the lining.
now is going to cover up this seam and those gathers so that they won't bother the baby and so that none of the raw edges will be showing on the inside I'm going to go ahead and pin it and I just want to make sure that the pins um cover the seam line that the folded edge covers the seam line I've got that pin in to kind of help me hold it in place I'll come back around and I remove that pin to the right side.
Here and there are only a couple things left to do to finish this dress the next thing I'm going to do is top stitch all of the edges here so just right along the edges of the bodice all the way along I'm going to go ahead and stitch really close to the edge just to make sure that those themes don't roll out or anything like that so just place that in your machine get it needle close to the edge and stitch right along okay I finished top stitching around the edge of my dress.
and so now the hole that I've got left to do is to go ahead and put buttonholes on the front um shoulders of my dress I went ahead and I've already hemmed the bottom edge where I had pressed it so I'm going to switch out to a buttonhole foot on my machine and this is what the buttonhole foot looks like and in order to get the correct size button hole I'm just going to insert the button into the back of the foot.
and then I push that on my machine go ahead and I'll switch my stitching to the buttonhole shape that I want and line up my fabric and my buttonhole foot starts at the edge of the buttonhole and hen goes backwards so I'm lining it up on that edge.
and that's it your beautiful ❤️ baby frock completely ready.