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New Orleans tradition Hosts in USA March 2022 - American Culture new Orleans march event on 12 march 2022 InfoTechWebCity Blog ITcity


New Orleans tradition in usa 2022.

New Orleans tradition Hosts in USA March 2022 - American Culture

Summary of events

The event started with the parade that is celebrated every year on March 12 of every Fourth month (United States Census Bureau 2006). Every 20 years it begins with a large gathering at downtown New Orleans and this time it was estimated that more than 4 million people are attending the festivities. It begins with parades, carnivals, concerts, fashion shows, fairs and other events. The most important one is Mardi gras – when all dressed up in fancy clothing go to the riverfront to welcome Saint Nazaire to his new home.

The main part of US culture is its diversity. People from many places have different cultural practices from each other and they do not all believe or follow the same thing. But despite that these cultures differ so much, their traditions are very similar. They all celebrate Mardi gras. This paper analyzes the life in America from a historical point of view, from what it means to be American to how Americans celebrate.

American USA Heritages

The United States has been known to be an independent nation from 1776 until it became a “nation within a state” in 1816. However, the earliest settlers came to New Orleans. During early times of migration to Americas there were no settlements in North Louisiana, apart from some small communities in South-east Louisiana. As they migrated northward, they settled along the Great Mississippi River to the village of Houckabathea. Here they stayed for about two centuries from 1719 to 1830, before venturing into West and East Arkansas together with other tribes (‘Slavery in Colonial America’ 2012). Later they were captured by Spain. Their slave trade continued for over 300 years, mostly of African ancestry. They worked as slaves in tobacco plantations, sugar cane plantations, cotton farms, rice plantations, railroads and had some form of farming.
New Orleans tradition Hosts in USA March 2022 - American Culture

The history of slavery in this country is well documented. Even though slaves were brought over from Africa, they were not treated like human beings and were considered property. The first slaves arrived around 1619 but only took a few hours notice of their arrival because they are used to going out every Sunday. Because of hard labour, they grew ill often, suffered from diseases and died early. When they die, they do not get good burial sites so they will be thrown in an unknown wilderness where they can freeze to death. For instance, some slaves are buried in local woods that is usually covered in snow. Since then many states passed laws that outlawed the importation of slaves in order to keep them away from slavery.

America was founded before the birth of Jesus Christ, according to Bible stories from Matthew 11:9 to 14:15; so when he appeared to man, he was given a name John Smith. He later was known as Captain Chesapeake Bayou. At the age of 16, Captain Chesapeake Bayou got sent to serve in Cuba, which is now known as Haiti. While serving in Cuba, he went off to New York to look for work. When his ship hit a rock, all his men perished and he died. His body was put in barrels and sent back to New Orleans, where it was picked up and put on display to show the all over the world that a dark person can hold a position in our society (‘Slavery in Colonial America’ 2012). After his death, his son took over plantation. Soon after, the father started telling his story in a book called A Walk in My Shoes, written a year after his death. He would tell his experiences of being a victim of slavery for his own reason, he wanted to make sure that there will never be another such incident. He left behind the children and his legacy after his death (‘Slavery in Colonial America’ 2012). His children inherited farmlands where they raised slaves, while others gave them land. These lands were sold under the threat of being seized by Spanish authorities because of owning slaves (‘Slavery in Colonial America’ 2012).

Despite that the plantation owners knew that the government could seize the land if we do it again, they did not care because they saw themselves as the master. So, although America was founded by immigrants from places like Europe and India, the majority of people were poor people who wanted to become rich. Also, during this time, only the wealthy knew that America was created just to help the poor. Thus, at birth America was a place where the upper class ruled.
New Orleans tradition Hosts in USA March 2022 - American Culture new Orleans march event on 12 march 2022 InfoTechWebCity Blog ITcity

Mardi gras

As already mentioned earlier, Mardi gras is celebrated mainly in the USA. According to studies carried out by the National Center for Education Statistics (2005), Mardi gras celebration starts as early January. In 2010, New Orleans hosted approximately 7.7 million visitors, 2 million throngs more than any previous Mardi gras record. Mardi gras is celebrated across the entire city to every street corner and almost each block in between streets. There are also hundreds of annual events, parades and fireworks that are held during this period to entertain thousands. Celebrations begin on March 12nd with parades, carnivals, concerts, fashion shows, fairs, etc. All these occasions are set up in honor of St. Nicholas. Another day is New Year’s Eve where parties are held in the night after midnight (National Center for Education Statistics 2005).

The most important aspect of Mardi gras is that it symbolizes freedom. Though there are laws that prohibit certain types of public celebrations during the Mardi gras season, this does not stop a group of people from enjoying themselves. What makes it worse however, is that law enforcers and police do not allow people to be merry in public. Instead, they come up with ridiculous laws that are meant to restrict people’s freedoms and even make them feel guilty. The best example is curfew laws that make it illegal to leave home without permission from 8 pm to 5 am. Moreover, even the police have rules to follow during this season. One rule forbids drivers from driving with plates showing that they are intoxicated, meaning you will be fined $100 (‘Slavery in Colonial America’ 2012). And the biggest reason that keeps millions of Americans away from Mardi gras celebrations is the fear that they might end up criminals. If someone steals your car, you might end up being arrested for this. Most shops and restaurants are closed because people should respect each other. You have no right to say that my shop is open right? These reasons, as well as the fear of crime, cause massive crowds to stay away from Mardi gras celebrations (‘Slavery in Colonial America’ 2012).

Mardi Gras Celebration

Mardi gras is celebrated with the use of elaborate costumes. Many people choose outfits that resemble those of characters from fairy tales. Some people choose clothes, which they think represent animals and birds. Others wear outfits that are inspired by popular sports or movie stars. Some people wear outfits inspired by ancient Indian attire, others make outfits inspired by Ancient Egyptian clothing (‘Slavery in Colonial America’ 2012). And all the way to the riverside of New Orleans where Saint Nazaire goes to his new home to greet him once again.

Mardi gras continues every year. In 2010, more than 54 million tourists visited the city while 31, 000,000 people attended fireworks. More than 20 million lit candles to mark this occasion. Mardi gras marks the beginning of spring season in the southern hemisphere. Also, most of the festivals happen to coincide with Spring Festival, which is celebrated around the globe on April 23rd. Hence, Mardi gras is celebrated across the western territories as well as south America.
New Orleans tradition Hosts in USA March 2022 - American Culture new Orleans march event on 12 march 2022 InfoTechWebCity Blog ITcity


The purpose of Mardi gras in New Orleans, and throughout America is to celebrate the start of Spring festival of the northern hemisphere. To achieve that goal, participants are required to dress up in fancy clothes and dance with music bands to entertain guests (‘Slavery in Colonial America’ 2012). New Orleans hosts full dress Mardi gras tradition, a record for us in the 10 years. The city of New Orleans hosts seven days of Mardi gras celebrations that takes place after New Year’s Eve in April and May (‘Slavery in Colonial America’ 2012). In fact, Mardi gras brings about the commencement of spring season in the southern hemisphere.


National Center for Education Statistics: 2008 Annual Report. Web.

National Center for Education Statistics: 2011 Annual Report. Web.

National Center for Education Statistics: 2009 Annual Report. Web.

National Center for Education Statistics: 2010 Annual Report. Web.

National Park Service National Parks & Recreation. 2007. Web.

Slavery in Colonial America: New Orleans – Culture and Society. Cengage Learning, 2012, pp. 101-118.

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